Your body natural releases oils to help protect and moisturise your hair, but sometimes it produces too much, leading to greasy, oily hair which can look lank and depressing. Quite often it's your body's response to overwashing, which can be made worse by continuing the wash cycle! As the natural oils are removed, your scalp can overcompensate causing oily locks.
So what can you do to deal with that? One step you can take is to stop washing your hair! No, not for weeks on end, but leave a little more time between washes to allow your body to compensate for the lost oil. About two or three days will give your hair a chance to recover. This isn't a quick process and can take several months to have an effect.
You can also make sure you use light moisturising conditioners and shampoos which will help restore your hair's natural balance. Try conditioning first and shampooing afterwards as well. Rinse your hair for at least half a minute to make sure you get all that shampoo and conditioner out. You can also try using cold water.
Let your hair dry naturally - no hair dryer! Don't touch your hair either, that will only cause more oil to be deposited and produced. Dry shampoos, powders and clarifiers will probably also make a difference, and maybe change your hairstyle to something curly or wavy to increse the distance oil has to travel. And of course, don't forget to talk to your expert haircare stylists at Pazam Hair Studio!